Jakob’s Story
I've learnt a lot being in Youth, but if I could take one thing away it would be knowing that youth have different backgrounds and have different upbringings, and knowing how to approach that.
My name is Jakob Paul I’m 19 years old, I’m Cook Island, Maori. I grew up in a big home with 14 siblings (9 brothers, 5 sisters) and two hardworking parents who both did everything they could to make sure we had a roof over our heads and food on the table. When I started going to school, I was immediately feeling so much hate on me, I was mocked, name-called and bullied so much that all I wanted to do was wag school and stay home. All my childhood I was brought up where drugs and alcohol were a normal thing and family violence was my reality. I started to smoke, drink and get into relationships all to just fit in. I wanted to be somewhere where I was loved and be in a place where I could find a sense of belonging.
One day a friend of mine told me to come to W.H.Y. (What Hope Youth). Eventually I went for a night and loved it because everyone there was so loving. I could sense this place of belonging and I knew I was gonna keep coming. Ever since that day I've come to Youth every week. The leaders saw leadership potential and asked me to do an internship.
I led a sports night for Youth and I liked it, and kept asking to do more. Ever since I've been an intern for What Hope I've tried ways to step out of my comfort zone and grow confidence to lead young people. I know that there are other young people out there looking for their calling and purpose. I also know there are other young people out there struggling who do the stuff I used to do. I just want to be that young person who leads our rangatahi into a better place in their life.
I've learnt a lot being in Youth, but if I could take one thing away it would be knowing that youth have different backgrounds and have different upbringings, and knowing how to approach that.
I now have a Certificate in Youth Development. Youth Work and my hopes for our young people is to see their dreams become a reality. I want them to believe that they can, knowing that where they are now isn't a FULLSTOP and to never give up on their dreams. I want to see our young people discover their gifts and potential and see them showcase that.